PEF Impact Grant Applications Due October 2, 2023
Date: Saturday, July 01, 8:00 AM - Monday, October 02, 4:00 PM
Place: Petaluma Educational Foundation

Local Schools Access Funding for Curriculum Based Programs with Significant Emphasis on Student Opportunities with Extraordinary Scope, Impact & Longevity
Petaluma Educational Foundation (PEF) administers the annual PEF Impact Grant Program to enable teachers, schools and districts to bring innovative and effective instructional ideas to reality despite ongoing economic challenges. Grants totaling $ 4,096,709 have been awarded to Petaluma area schools since 1983. PEF grants support quality instruction, student access and impact, and innovation aligned with a school or district’s overall goals.
The PEF Impact Grants award up to $15,000 per grant for curriculum projects with significant emphasis on programs of extraordinary scope, impact or longevity. The PEF Impact Grant award spans a one-year period. All completed PEF Impact Grant Applications are due this year by October 2nd, no later than 4:00 p.m. Eligibility for PEF Impact Grants include individual teachers, groups of teachers, classified personnel, and principals in TK-12 public, charter and not-for-profit private schools in the Petaluma Area. All grant applications must be collaboratively developed, approved and signed by the site principal or lead administrator.
Focus areas for funding are in Math & Science, Literacy/English Language Learners, Fine Arts, Health & Nutrition, and Vocational Education/Life Skills, and STEAM/STEM.
“Funding the Future” of education has never been more important. The annual PEF BASH event held last month provided the public an opportunity to hear first-hand how they can partner with others to continue the mission of our 40-year-old Foundation and increase its positive impact on students today, tomorrow and into the future. Every dollar counts. We invite members of the community who share a passion of education to make their personal donations today. Together, we can create a lasting impact on local education, benefiting generations of local students,” shares PEF Executive Director, Maureen Highland.
PEF receives no public funding. The Foundation raises funds for the annual grant program from individuals, business partnerships and foundations. Since the Foundation was launched in 1982, it has awarded $8,926,580 in funding to schools and students through the annual PEF Impact Grant and PEF Scholarship programs.
For more information on the PEF Impact Grant application and process, please contact PEF Program Director, Katy Verke at (707) 778-5063. Visit, and click on the Apply For A Grant tab to download the application. To learn more about the ongoing work of the Petaluma Educational Foundation or how you can create a lasting legacy with a planned estate gift, contact PEF Executive Director, Maureen Highland, at 707-778-4632.