PEF Newsletter: Back-to-School, BASH News, PEF Impact Grant Deadline & More!

Friends of PEF,
Welcome back to the PEF newsletter! We are in full summer mode here in PEF land, but that doesn’t mean rest and relaxation for us. Summer is full-throttle BASH season, and we are working to make our annual fundraising gala meaningful and memorable! In this newsletter, we share recaps of what we’ve been up to since school got out for the summer, our pre-event BASH Online Auction, community events, the PEF Impact Grant application deadline, and more.
We look forward to hosting an Open House at our new office location, 100 4th Street in downtown Petaluma, very soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, feel free to stop by and say hello!
Happy August & Start to the New School Year!
Your friends at PEF,
Maureen, Katy, Sharon & Stacey

2023-2024 Academic Year
Thanks to YOU and your support, during the past academic year, PEF recorded $483,648 in awards to our students and schools:
2023-2024 PEF Impact Grant Program Awards $219,714
2023-2024 PEF Scholarship Program Awards $263,934
Bringing our total to over $9.3 million since the Foundation was launched in 1982!
You Are Making PEF Impact Grants Possible We will officially kick off our annual Fund the Future pledge drive at the PEF BASH in a few short weeks, but you do not need to wait until then to make your pledge. Contact PEF today and make your gift to Fund the Future today. Our fundraising goal for 2024-25 is $300,000 in PEF grant program funding. As of today we are 1/3 of the way there! Thank you to those who have already made their pledge - you are making dreams come true for our local students.
Donate today to FUND THE FUTURE!

School Safety Conversation with PPD Chief Brian Miller
Recently, PPD Chief Brian Miller sat down with PEF to share tips and resources for student & school safety. The PEF Bite-Sized Learning interview was filmed by Petaluma High Broadcast Media students at the PHS Trojan Campus Studio, a program funded by PEF Impact Grants.

PEF Restaurant Raffle
Happening Now: Taste of the Town Restaurant Raffle sponsored by Golden State Lumber. Click here for all the details!

Pre-BASH Online Auction
Our Pre-BASH Online Auction is open August 14-28. You can bid on getaways, services, wine tastings, and more—the best part is you can bid from ANYWHERE in support of PEF and our local students and schools.
View Online Auction Items Here
If you have services, items or gift certificates you want to share with us for our BASH Online and Super Silent Auctions, please contact Stacey at

PEF BASH: MISSION POSSIBLE! | Saturday, September 7th
Join us as we continue our mission of raising funds for all local schools on September 7th at the PEF BASH: MISSION POSSIBLE at The Barn at Gambonini Ranch, Tickets are selling quickly!
Run, Walk, Skip or Hop!
Registration is OPEN for the annual Clo Cow Races on September 24, 2024! Race organizers invite participants to donate to the mission of PEF when they register to run/walk. Click below to sign up for the races and support PEF.
Register for the Clo Cow Races
Stay Tuned...
As we move into the school year, we are planning another PEF Bite-Sized Learning program with a panel of college and career counselors and also working on new PEF Pop-Up social gatherings bringing Friends of PEF together in a casual setting to help increase the impact of the mission of PEF. Watch for all the dates and details here.

PEF Impact Grant Applications Due October 2nd!
Oue NEW application process is now a user-friendly online portal with easy access and helpful tips. We have also increased the award amount to up to $20,000, with a new budget line item of up to 10% of your grant request for Time & Training to ensure you have the resources you need to thrive. Please contact PEF Program Director, Katy Verke, with any questions.
- NEW Online Impact Grant Application
- Award amount increased from $15,000 to $20,000
- Up to 10% of your grant request can include Time & Training expense
- Watch this short instructional video on how to apply for a PEF grant Applications are due October 2, 2024.
New PEF School Liasion Program
We will be introducing a PEF School Liasion program to assist in disseminating news about PEF’s work and share updates on the activities of the schools we support. If you want to receive this monthly notification, contact Stacey at and we will be sure you are on the email list for this easy-to-use communication tool.

Alphabet Soup Store has been the paradigm of reuse, repurpose, and recycle for over three decades. Proceeds from both the mid-block Home Store and corner Clothing Store support the mission of PEF, which benefits all our students and schools. We are always in need of more volunteers, especially in our Clothing Store. We offer flexible schedules based on your availability, a volunteer discount, and the fun of working together to support our students and schools with your gift of time and talent at Alphabet Soup.
Please contact our store manager Colleen Reitzel to learn more about our volunteer opportunities.