PEF Presents Live Theater for Elementary School Students
Date: Friday, December 08, 12:00 AM

Traveling Lantern Theater Company will perform Pinocchio for local elementary school students thanks to the Live Theater Program through PEF.
PEF will offer two FREE performances of the classic tale this holiday season. Students will enjoy a stage performance following life's adventures and teaching a puppet about honesty and humanity. A master craftsman lovingly creates a little wooden marionette... but what a bad little puppet he turns out to be! He's selfish and greedy, and he lies. He doesn't listen to the good counsel of anyone: his father Gepetto, a philosopher Cricket, or a Blue Fairy. After many hair-raising adventures, Pinocchio finally learns what it takes to become human... kindness, compassion, loyalty, hard work, and selflessness.
Following the show, actors will engage with students during a Question & Answer session. To reserve seats for your class, contact Katy Verke or Stacey Wenzel at PEF (707-778-4632). Limited seating - reservations are required.