NEW BITE-SIZED LEARNING SERIES: The Cost of College & Saving for Your Child's Education
Date: Friday, March 10, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Place: 1425 N. McDowell, Petaluma

Each quarter, in collaboration with guest presenters, the Petaluma Educational Foundation (PEF) will host the free Bite-Sized Learning Series discussing current trends and resources related to Education.
PEF kicks off this new quarterly lunch hour learning lessons program on March 10, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Our first Bite-Sized Learning topic is “The Cost of College & Saving for Your Child’s Education,” presented by Craig Walker, a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Petaluma. Walker is also a PEF board member and Chair of the PEF Planned Giving Committee. The one-hour presentation is free to attend in person or via Zoom. A light lunch will be provided to registered guests attending the presentation in person. This inaugural lunch hour lesson will take place at 1425 North McDowell Blvd., Petaluma. The Cost of College & Saving for Your Child’s Education program will cover questions to consider as you establish a college savings plan, strategies to help you reach your goal, and features and benefits of various education savings plans. You can register for the program here or contact PEF at 707.778.4632 for more information.